Event Details

Join us for a virtual training provided by Glue Up, KCMN's new CRM platform that was launched this summer. If you are unsure how to login to Glue Up, how to navigate the new platform, how to add contacts to your company page, where to find KCMN subgroups, then you need to attend! Knowing how to navigate this platform is key in taking full advantage of your KCMN membership.


  • Meron Haile (Customer Success Manager at Glue Up)

    Meron Haile

    Customer Success Manager at Glue Up

    Meron is KCMN's Customer Success Manager and will be leading a virtual "How to Navigate" session covering:
    • My Glue Overview (what the dashboard shows + how to navigate it)
    • Logging in + creating/editing their profile
    • Business Cards + how to share it
    Understanding how to navigate this website and app that goes with it are key factors in fully utilize your KCMN membership.

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December Virtual Meeting

This is a virtual training on how to navigate and utilize our new membership platform, Glue Up and the app, MyGlue associated with it.

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